Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Shelby Bowman

Here she is..

Treasures from the Outlet

I love the outlet..if not for no other reason than I can spoil my kids without breaking my bank account..and seeing as the dog has cost us a small fortune..I have no bank account to break so to on Saturday when we found a Snow White dress for Emma..and a batman (BRAND NEW) costume for Connor..I couldn't resist..

Monday, July 27, 2009

Any readers left out there??

Hi all,
I'm sorry it's been awhile..there's been a lot going on. For some reason I've just not been in the blogging mood. Odd though, because I have so much to brag Hayley..gosh..what a freaking blessing she the past few days especially I've been filled with this overwhemling love for her..I look at her and she smiles back at me..her expressive little face causes this flood of emotion to bubble up..I love it..I'm savouring..she makes me so happy..

We have another new member of the family..Shelby..she's a lab(mix) puppy. All black with the exception of her two front paws, her breastbone area, and a few hairs at the tip of her tail..we had an incident the first week she lived with us..and Shelby broke her she's cost us a small fortune..and has been casted up for longer than not..she's a beautiful dog though..and very very loyal to us..she's going to be a good dog..even though many people feel I should get rid of her..I can't..she's a Bowman Brat now and forever..

I was suppose to travel to Canada this summer..unfortunately there's been issues with immigration..keeping me stranded here stateside. I'll get home one day though..I miss my friends and family. I missed a very dear friends wedding because of all this..looking at pictures just isn't the same. I'm heartbroken about it..but thrilled their day went off so perfectly..Brad and two are a beautiful couple..and I know it'll be a wonderful forever for the two of you. xoxo

Another big change, is that I've started attending Mother couldn't be more thrilled..I'm excited about it..I feel like I'm actually starting to learn..retain..and FEEL it..

Storms are brewing here in VA head is pounding..I hate headaches like this..

Anyway..I'm rambling...perhaps next time I'll get a few pictures up to my readers..if there's any still out there after my hiatus.. ;o)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Emma Art

Emma drew this yesterday..I tried adding what she talked about when showing me. The text on the picture isn't large enough..oh well..

This is her family, under a rainbow, Daddy, AJ, Connor, Emma, Mommy (with baby Hayley Nicole in her tummy) and there's some pretty flowers. I thought it was really cute, and wanted to share.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Navy

ugh..where do you begin to explain to someone what it's like to live in complete limbo?? IT SUCKS!!

First Allen was suppose to be gone for 7 weeks..happened to be over the due date..we were emotional..came to terms with it..but knew he'd be home and Hayley would be 5 weeks old..and he'd have lots of time with her then.. was 7 months they were going to go..that was a hard pill to swallow..thankfully shortlived..we then went back to 7 weeks..

THEN..less than a week before the original date of was CANCELLED..he wasn't going ANYWHERE..YEEHAW!! We were THRILLED...Daddy was going to see his last baby being born..

THEN with not a weeks notice they were leaving again..for 5 weeks..unfortunately we knew he'd likely miss the birth..his return date was not too long after my due date..however..I've never gone late with babies..we came to terms with it..easily as we'd already pretty much emotionally prepared ourselves for it..

THEN..while on this little surge deployment..his boss..and HIS boss come to him and tell him that while in Port..if I were to go into labour/have the baby..they would get him home..let me repeat..THEY CAME TO HIM..

Last of the big guys pulls him aside and says..decision time Bowman..if you want to gotta go tomorrow..we didn't know what to decide..burn leave with him coming home and waiting for baby..or maximize leave with him home with baby upon his return..we opted to wait until we knew how far along I was dilated etc..finally made the decision..moved money around so he could have enough to get himself home if stranded somewhere etc..only to find out..the bosses boss hadn't ran it by his boss and it turns out he says Allen is not coming home early..will miss Hayley's birth after all..and I feel so emotionally drained from the ups and downs..that I could bury my head in my pillow..blah..

I'm mad at myself for ever getting my hopes up..but it's hard to do when these pretty high up guys tell you one thing..then change their minds..we didn't ASK for Allen to come home..he was given the offer..and thought it was legit..coming from the sources it was coming from..oh live and far as return date for Daddy now?? I wont believe it until I see it..

Thank GOD for the friends in my life..

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Is it really May already?? Where has the time gone?? It's been quite some time since I've blogged..I've been busy though. Allen left the day before Good Friday, and the kids and I have been enjoying lots of time with friends and family. First we had Nana and Uncle Tyler here for Easter weekend. We went to Lowe's for their clinic and built bird houses, and enjoyed some fun times in the backyard (see previous posts for pics). Then we've enjoyed several awesome playdates, at friends houses, at parks, here at our house etc. We have some wonderful people in our lives. I truly feel blessed, even by people I've never MET before..that I know through the Mommy Network I used to belong to, and who I've kept in contact with since leaving that world. They have put themselves out there..seriously willing to help in anyway they can while Allen is away. I thank God for the blessings I have everyday.

Speaking of Allen being away. We are on the homestretch. We're on day 25 of him being away. It feels like FOREVER though, I think it's just because of the impeccably TERRIBLE timing of this month away. I'm not dealing as well with some things as I would if I weren't VERY pregnant, and very tired. I got to speak with Allen briefly last night, before the phone lines went down. It's always refreshing to hear his voice, and his reassurances. He makes me happy. I slept well after that, it was already really late though, so I'm suffering a bit today. Slow, sluggish, and low patience level.

Connor has pink eye. It looks 100x better already today after a day of drops. I've also been putting drops in the other kids eyes. Emma is RIDICULOUS about it. She's waiting on the couch right now for a drop to be put in her second eye..I had to walk away..such a drama queen. It's IRRITATING!!

We have no real plans today. We'll likely go to the grocery store, return the movie we rented yesterday, I really want to get some things done around here, but I'll probably take them to the park for a bit..if it doesn't it's been calling for, for the last 4 days..with not a drop in sight. I seriously do not understand how the Weather people in this area keep their jobs, it's BRUTAL how wrong they are..and how often that happens.

Ok..must go put her drop in and let her get back to playing.

Hopefully my next post will be to announce the arrival of Hayley. Anyday now...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Emotional Video

This was sent to me by my I sit here and wipe my tears I wanted to share..powerful message, powerful pictures..

I miss Allen. Thankfully he wont be gone long.